Sushi and The Art of Presentation

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Long before you take your first bite you’ve set your expectations. You may have heard food cooking and taken in the aromas. And now you see the plate before you. A beautiful, balance between color and texture. A work of art. And you’ve heard this is the restaurants finest. It tastes incredible before it ever crosses your lips! Welcome to Pho V Noodle House & Sushi. Enjoy the best pho and sushi in Bedford, TX.

You snap a picture. And finally, you have our first taste. Your expectations have been met. You affirm you made a good choice.

Meat & Potatoes America

There was a time in a typical 1960’s American family when Sunday dinner began cooking before the kids were out of bed. A roast sat on top of a bed of vegetables in the roaster and before long its warm aroma began to escape, spreading throughout the house.

A dozen egg whites had been whipped into an angel food cake that rose out of the oven adding its own sweet, light aroma to the air.

And fresh yeast had been used to make the dough sitting on the counter. It gets punched down one more time before being shaped into loaves.

At a quarter of 2, the kitchen took on a hum as women rushed around mashing potatoes, filling serving dishes, and carving the roast.

One of the kids set the orange jello mold on the table for color and another carefully carried the crudité dish trying not to spill the olives, celery, and carrots.

Finally, the extended family sat around the table. Food was passed and plates were filled.

There were no cell phones to document the meal. And the food placed on the plates was left to the discretion of the diner. I daresay, little thought was given to balance and aesthetics. Hunger was driven by glorious smells and a desire to get through the meal and on to enjoy the rest of the day.

By today’s standards, the plates filled as food went by wouldn’t hold a candle to what we’re served today And they would not hold similarity to any sushi listed on the menu at Pho V Noodle House & Sushi where you can get the best pho and sushi in Bedford, TX.

Along with Change Comes Change.

Opening up our minds and developing our palates, we’ve made room for new cuisines with the hope that we can enjoy highlights of many different cultures.

The appreciation has grown for a beautifully plated meal. Few foods though provide the art and beauty put forth by the itamae or trained sushi chef.

It has been shown that when the same food has both beautifully presented and also served without thought, perceptions differ. The perception is that the better presentation tastes better and people will pay more for it.

And, they’ll post pictures of it!

Join us at Pho V Noodle House & Sushi. Enjoy the best pho and sushi in Bedford, TX.

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